Zohra Yusuf and Ailia Zehra
Zohra Yusuf is a council member of HRCP and the Consulting Editor of Dissent Today.
Ailia Zehra is a journalist and the Founding Editor of Dissent Today.
How Pakistan’s Peripheries Dissented in 2024
In 2024, democracy in Pakistan suffered setbacks on many fronts. Among these setbacks was the state’s denial — through heavy-handed and violent means — to the right to peaceful assembly by citizens protesting against various forms of rights violation. The pattern for intolerance of dissent...
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F-9 Park Rape: ‘Criminal...
ISLAMABAD: On February 2nd, a woman was raped in F-9 Park in Islamabad while she was with her male...
Minister Attends Islamabad Convention...
Federal Religious Minister Mufti Abdul Shakoor attended an ulema convention hosted by the banned sectarian outfit Sipah-e-Sahaba Pakistan (SSP)...
Editor's Picks
A Year After Mahsa...
On a late summer day, four days before her 23rd birthday, Mahsa Jina Amini was visiting her family in...
Fate Of Law Proposing...
ISLAMABAD: Cabinet members on Wednesday contested a law seeking stricter punishment for 'ridiculing and scandalising the state institutions'. According to...
Hindu Doctor Killed At...
A 60-year-old Hindu doctor was killed by his driver at his residence in Citizen Colony, Hyderabad. Driver Hanif Leghari mudered...
Federal Shariat Court Nullifies...
The Federal Shariat Court has nullified the landmark Transgender Protection of Rights Act 2018, ruling that transgender persons’ self-perceived...
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Looking Back at 2024 Election Violence In Balochistan That The Rest of Pakistan Ignored
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