The police on Wednesday arrested Balochistan Awami Party (BAP) Provincial Minister Sardar Abdul Rehman Khetran in connection with the three bodies recovered from a well in Barkhan, Balochistan. It was also revealed that the body of the woman found in Barkhan — whose face was rendered unrecognisable —was not of the 40- year-old Granaz Marri as identified earlier, but rather of a young woman, around the age of 18.
The victim’s age was ascertained to be around 17 to 18 years old in the postmortem examination. She was tortured, raped, and shot in the head thrice.
The report also suggested that acid was thrown on the face and neck of the girl to hide her identity.
Late Wednesday night, the police also found Granaz Marri alive along with her 17-year-old daughter Farzana and her son Abdul Sattar. They were recovered from an isolated area near the border of Duki and Barkhan after the police conducted a raid on a tip-off. However, two of her children are yet to be found.
Khan Muhammad Marri had earlier accused the provincial minister of detaining his wife, Granaz, and seven children in his private jail. Granaz Marri also appeared in a video where she claimed she and her children had been abducted by the minister and were being kept in his private prison.