The bail application of Maulana Hidayat ur Rehman, the incarcerated founder of Gwadar-based rights movement Haq Do Tehreek, has been rejected by a sessions court in Gwadar.
Maulana Hidayat ur Rehman has been in prison for more than 80 days.
Haq Do Tehreek (HDT) is a protest movement against the government with issues comprising illegal trawling in Gwadar’s water, a high number of security checkpoints, and trade on the Pak-Iran border among others.
Several charges were brought up against Rehman after talks between the HDT’s leaders and the military commander in Balochistan failed over the protest demonstrations organised by the movement demanding basic rights.
Police had registered a First Information Report against Rehman and other leaders of the movement, including the former caretaker provincial minister Mir Naveed Kalmati, for causing damages to public and private properties.
The court heard the case after repeated delays, initially due to the transfer of the session judge hearing the case and then due to the judge’s absence.
سیاسی بنیاد/دباؤ پرسیشن جج گوادر نےآج@MHidayatRehmanکی ضمانت کی درخواست خارج کرکےانصاف کےمنہ پرطمانچہ رسیدکیاہے۔مولاناپچھلے3ماہ سےبےگناہ جیل میں قیدہیں۔
1نہیں2پاکستان.بلوچ سرزمین/عوام،بلوچسان کی ترقی کےلیےجمہوری،قانونی عوامی جدوجہد کرنےوالوں کےلیےانصاف کےدروازےبندہیں۔
افسوسناک۔— Senator Mushtaq Ahmad Khan | سینیٹر مشتاق احمد خان (@SenatorMushtaq) April 11, 2023
People have also been staging protest demonstrations against the arrest of the leader across Balochistan.
Earlier, a large number of women protesters led a rally in Gwadar.