A video of a retired government teacher in which he can be seen sobbing inconsolably after he was deprived of an amount of Rs22,00,000 by robbers in broad daylight in the Sujawal district of Sindh went viral on social media. The teacher served for 30 years in different government schools of the district and retired a couple of months ago. He had kept his pension amount in a private bank of Sujawal.
60-year-old Ishaque Memon was intercepted by two armed pillion riders near the bank who fled after looting the cash. The man began to weep after he was robbed and later collapsed. He was brought to a nearby hotel where he gained consciousness and started weeping about his huge financial loss. Police could not reach the scene till the filing of this report.
Members of civil society, leaders of nationalist groups, and social media users termed this incident a question mark on the performance of Syed Imdad Ali Shah who holds the post of SSP Sujawal since 2017, and happens to be the cousin of Sindh Chief Minister Murad Ali Shah.
Civil society has announced that it would stage protests across the district if the issue of the retired teacher was not dealt with seriously. According to sources, the police usually nominate notorious criminals in such cases to appease civil society and political parties of the country instead of going after the real culprits. A retired police official requesting anonymity said that the accused in this district had patronage of political leaders and feudal lords of the locality.